
Hello. My period is usually very regular, 32 days. My last one started with spotting on 12/13 and then the full flow on 12/14. I usually spot the evening before my usual flow starts. This month my period is a day late so far which is very unnormal. I usually ovulate on day 17-19 and I had sex on day 15 (12/28/22) using the pull-out method. My partner pulled out before way before ejaculation but I am nervous about precum. On the days I was supposed to be ovulating (12/31-1/1)we used a condom and they did not break. I had no spotting, nausea, or anything like that. I usually get sore boobs before my period but they have not felt sore until today (the day my period was supposed to start, I should have been spotting last night). I am not nauseous or anything else its just so rare that it has not come yet. I have been under a lot of stress with exams and a breakup. I also started a new workout routine 2 weeks ago. I am terrified I may be pregnant. He never ejaculated inside me and there was no ejaculation prior to the time we had unprotected sex, which makes me hope no sperm was in the precum. I’m having this pale yellow-white discharge which I get before my period but so far no blood.