Is there something more going on?


Hi mums, I am after some advice on my 15 month old.Back story… Since we brought our little one home from the hospital she had struggled with feeding and sleep. We have never really been able to calm our daughter when she gets upset and as she has gotten older this has become more difficult. We have nights that she will wake up and often and stay up for hours. We have adjusted sleep times but she hasn’t shown any improvement and often screams and cries tantrum for hours the only thing we can comfort her with is her favourite show on tv ( I know bad idea but mum and dad have resulted every other avenue). She isn’t happy to get dressed, change her nappy and it seems everytime we leave the house she ends up having a meltdown. Parents and friends often comment how difficult she is.

She has hit her milestones on time but will at times not respond to her name and eye contact is either there or not at all. I guess what I am trying to ask is there something more to it. My family gaslights me often but are the first to comment on her behaviour. She has started daycare and I am waiting for them to raise any concerns they might have. She babbles and the words she does say she will say them constantly for about a week and then not say them for a month or so. She loves to dance and can copy actions and follow simple instructions. Thank you