
Megan • Send love and light wherever you go.

I’m high risk based on past losses and we weren’t sure if it was incompetent cervix or not but this pretty much seals the deal. My cervix had shortened to 2cm at 22+3. Today they put the stitch in at 22+5 and basically said my cervix was soft and beginning to change even more. But I’m glad we got it done. They’ve been watching my cervix this whole pregnancy and I’m glad to finally have an answer for why I lost my son in March 2022 at 22+6. I’ll keep praying that my baby girl sticks with me as long as possible. Baby girl is due May 19. Anybody else in the same situation?

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I am 23 weeks tomorrow . Sent back out to MFM again over 1500kms away from home . My second time in a month . They said I was a 2.2 at home . Getting 2.58-2.7 out here but I have to stay at least a week for another scan . As that’s my last day before cut off for the cerclage (if happened to be a drastic change this week) . She said because I’m borderline she wants to keep me out here and check weekly. But I have two kids at home 5&2 the thought of being away from them for a long time is overwhelming . But I also want to be where is safest for baby. 12-13 weeks until I can have my baby at home so these weeks are so confusing . I have 4 months from today to my due date & it’s been 8 months today since I lost my brother . Just a lot of emotions . Sorry for the ramble lol


Megan • Jan 25, 2023
It’s definitely stressful. And I had something similar happen right around Christmas. Before Christmas they said they thought there was funneling and a week later after Christmas they said no it wasn’t funneling and I was still at 3cm. Then two weeks after that they said my cervix is 2cm and we should do cerclage. So yeah. I get the back and forth thing lol. And being away from family and support network is so hard. My family is two hours away and husband is military so it’s just me by myself right now. I hope my follow up on the 30th shows everything is good and baby girl is safe and sound.


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There’s a group on Facebook pregnant with cerclage : it’s a very active and good group I find


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Sorry for the loss of your baby last year 💙


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I’m curious because I’m so nervous about the amount of Braxton hicks I have had. How did they check/monitor your cervix? Could they tell on your anatomy scan? Did you have any symptoms? (I carried my first full term and was induced etc but this time around everything has felt different).


Megan • Jan 19, 2023
I’ve had transvaginal ultrasounds every two weeks since I was 14 weeks to measure the length of my cervix. I haven’t had any symptoms that would really point to incompetent cervix except that I went into extremely preterm labor with my last pregnancy. Because of my history they’ve monitored me closely to look for changes in my cervix. I’m a strong believer in getting checked out if you feel things aren’t right. Maternal instinct shouldn’t be ignored but I don’t think you should worry too much. Increased Braxton Hicks can be caused by being dehydrated. But of course, you should definitely ask your doctor for their opinion and recommendations.