
Bit of background info:

I'm in my late twenties, I have Crohn's disease and a ED where's both are in remission, I had addison crisis, cushings and a severe bad reaction to the nexplanon inplant all in 2021(I only had the nexplanon inplant in for 3 months until I ended up in the ER).

Onto now/recently:

I started lowering the dosages on my medications at the end of 2022 and I have quit most since then.

My boyfriend and I was recently given the all clear, but we haven't been trying actively since my body has needed alot of time to adjust to it all, I didn't have my period nor symptoms of a period through all of December, it was only today I suddenly got period cramps and light spotting(kinda a dark brownish color), don't know if that's normal?

I have been on contraception since I was 13 due to heavy painful periods, never TTC before so this is all very new to the both of us.

I'd love to know when I should start taking OPK's an BBT'S, and for how long at the time? And if there's anything else I or the both of us should be aware of?

(I'd like to add that the recent OPK's and HPT's have been negative).