So I’m just wanting to share how this TTC cycle is


Ugh. **warning this is kinda gross and some might say TMI**

TTC again. Finally had the opportunity between work and our busy week to BD for my ovulation day today (assuming since pos opk) was yesterday: with everything going on we’ve on BD’d once during my fertile window- 3 days ago.

Sure enough, it’s been a hell of a night trying to get our two year old to bed only for me to finally get her to bed at 12. And my stomachs been killing me all night. I started vomiting so aggressively you guys that I had diarrhea at the same damn time. I couldn’t make it to the toilet in time to puke so then it clogged the sink.. ugh, 😩 So you could say there will be nothing but a whole lot of nothing going on tonight and likely for a couple days while I am sick.

I’m sure this won’t be the cycle but man oh man does this make me dread morning sickness all over again 😞