Implant bleeding ? Or AF giving me a heads up shes coming - nearly at end of TWW


Those that did have implant bleeding, what did it look like, how much was there and how long did it go for?

I’m on Crinone atm so we know how funky it gets esp first thing in morning.

So went the bathroom this morning n when I wiped it was dark brown not completely but enough of it to be noticeable.

Had sex this morning n after I wiped with a tissue coz I hate cum getting on the bed 🤣 and there it was again.

My blood test isn’t til Wednesday morning

Do I just hold off on sex now n wait for the test?

I’m definitely not getting hopes up but I’ve not had this with previous transfers.

I was nauseous last night but that lasted about 10-15mins (I had gone to bed to rest then it stopped)

Feeeling nauseous again as I write this.

Don’t want to do home test either

I didn’t take any photos - at 6am I wasn’t quite awake to think of a photo 🤣