"Tough" Coaches **TRIGGER WARNING**


So, I'm older than a lot of people here, but growing up it was very normalized for coaches to be characterized as complete asshole bullies. I was never a sports person so I never experienced any of that first hand, it was just the popular portrayal. Anyway, there was this sense that since sports were optional, if you couldn't handle the abuse, you should just quit (with plenty of judgement). I literally never questioned the rightness or wrongness of putting kids through that, but now as an adult it seems ridiculous that this was ever normalized.


I was reading about Julia Pernsteiner this morning who was a university student who committed suicide.

Her parents are suing the school and her track coach and describe a toxic atmosphere of bullying, including the coach who regularly used insults and humiliation as part of coaching.



Edit: Though I'm saddened by how many people (or their loved ones) have experienced this, I just want to say I am so encouraged to see all these responses that are calling it out as abusive. I was sincerely expecting there'd be more "kids these days are too soft."