
Kayla • Married & we had our perfect baby boy on 03/21/2015, Pierce Huntlee. He was 7lbs 10oz, & 19.5 in 💙
Hi. I'm Kayla. My husband and I just decided to stop my bc. I have been on nuvaring for about 6 years. I took it out Sunday, and I will start my period tomorrow. I was wondering how long it took to get pregnant after nuvaring? 
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Posted at
I got pregnant on while NuvaRing was inserted and I had been on it for several months! So I'd say possibly right away based on my experience lol


Tonilynn • Apr 23, 2021
How did u know you were pregnant did you miss a period


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I always waited one cycle before getting back on birth control. It worked until I got off of it now I'm 28 weeks pregnant and well my lil guy to come is a blessing! Good luck ladies!


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Marisela, my doctor told me the same thing. I was on Mirena though but she said it's always best to wait until you've had one regular cycle before ttc after BC. GL to you!


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I hope so! I am going to the doctor on 2/3. I'm sure I won't get pregnant by then I want to make sure it's safe to try right off of it. Make sure the hormones won't cause trouble.


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OMG! I just reread your question! So sorry for my previous comment.. Totally didn't answer your question. From my understanding you can fall pregnant right away..


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Hi Kayla, I had a miscarriage in December and my Dr said it might have been caused by a hormone imbalance that is correlated to birth control. I had only been on the pill for 2 months but I didn't wait to have one regular cycle off bc before I ttc. Had I done that, I might have still been pregnant now. I don't want to scare you, but my advice would be to wait to have 1 normal period off bc and then try. Best of luck :))


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Usually right away