AF Reared Her Ugly Head!!

After 6 months of TTC, I got another BFN and AF. For some reason I'm taking it very hard this month. I just have so many things that are working against us reproductively. I know it's cliché, but today I just feel like there's no hope. My husband is so encouraging, and supportive which is making things easier. He keeps reminding me that God will give us a baby when it's the right time, and not a moment matter how many charts I fill out, articles I read, or how many sticks I pee on! :) I   know there are so many women who have been trying much longer than we have, and I just have to say that I admire you ladies so much. Your strength is truly inspiring. Best of luck to everyone wherever you're at in your cycle, and my fingers are crossed for all of you! ❤️