5 days late and still BFN!!


This is so frustrating I'm 5 days late and still BFN what is going on? I have had a lot of symptoms but how can I have symptoms but still a negative when I test? 
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Still no period cramped real bad around 230 last night but still nothing maybe my levels are to low to show up on a test ?


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@heather I have had all of it done b4 10 years ago this is the 2nd abnormal pap I have had last time I had a biopsy and a colposcopy as well as a leep. And now it's back again. But what I have read is that the more it's done it thins the cervical walls and can make it hard for u to carry a baby and MC happen often. So that's what we r going to sit down and actually talk to my obgyn and see what she recommends. We r trying for our 3rd child. I had one of these procedures and had our 2nd child but just worries me with having to go through it again.


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AF is 6 days late for me. Tested this morning and BFN. I'm with you ladies!!! This is so confusing. I would just like to know!!! Good luck to everyone 


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Still a BFN don't know what's goin on can u go all month and not get a period and the the next month it just comes I'm confused lol


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Still nothing :(


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Cd 55. 3 BFNs . Had spotting yesterday! So deprssed  and confused :(


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AJ I had an abonormal Pap smear recently and had to get the colscopy done. I was scared but got it done so they could take biopsy of some tissue. My friend who's mom is a midwife told me to take a vitamin B complex daily and folic acid and it would help. The biopsy wasn't fun when they had to scrap and get what they needed but everything came back normal. You should probably look into it if you aren't pregnant. Better to be safe. 


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As of today I am 8 days late and yesterday when I went to a walk in office like patient first I asked for a blood test and it came back negative. Dr isn't my obgyn but she wasn't sure why I would be so late. My hubby and I made an appointment with my obgyn for Friday. But not to figure out about missing period but to talk with my dr about my abnormal pap I had last year. I had 2 and they did a biopsy and wanted to do a clyposcopy (not sure is I spelled it right) but I didn't get that done since we wanted to try for a baby. Now we r wondering if maybe that is why I have missed af. Anyone else ever have that problem?


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I'm 10 days late and still BFN! and a few days ago I had spotting started off light pink and the next day went brown and then stopped!


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Really that's interesting I'll just wait then bc the end of the month is fri