Should I see a specialist?

Hi friends- so I'm trying to decide if I should see a fertility specialist. A little bit about me: I'm 30, never been pregnant. Hubby's 31 with no children either. Been off BC and NTNP for 2.5 yrs and actively trying with OPKs and lots of intercourse for 8 months now and the last couple months I added preseed accupuncture and FertilAid for men.
​My cycles are a regular 26-28 days but I always spot for around 5 days prior to AF and my luteal phase is usually 11 days so I'm concerned it's too short or I have low progesterone. 
​Now I went to my reg. gyno to discuss my concerns and she was kind enough to give me the referral even though it's not been a year. She also did the blood tests for hormones and they all came back fine. 
​So my questions are- am I jumping the gun on my concerns about fertility? I have NO clue how much $$ the appointments/ labs will cost me if I do go. Should I just wait a few more months? I'm afraid to "self medicate" with chaste berry or B6 supplements as I'm not a doctor. 
​Alright that was long. Any opinions appreciated :)