Is this all an early pregnancy sign?

Gassy,little sore breast and fatigue, I'm in 7dpo. Is this all an early pregnancy sign?

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Same 7dpo getting small fluttery pains in lower abdomen sore breasts ache all over gassy, headache really tired and extreme hunger...this would be baby #1 been ttc for a year AF not due till 28th am really praying and hoping this is it but don't know what symptoms to look for. Heard that early signs same as AF so confused and know it's too early to test hate the TWW 


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It deffenetly could be! But AF symtoms could be so closely alike, that's what's so confuseing about these early prego  symtoms lol.. When is your AF due? Tou should test ether on the day or the day after AF.. Good Luck and Lots of Baby Dust to you!! God Bless..