False excitement

Tracy • TTC #1
So this month I have and three periods, one that lasted 10 days. So obviously I have been feeling extremely disheartened as you can imagine, however when I visited my doc she says to me "even though your periods are so frequent and heavy you may well still be pregnant" now I don't know about any of you but I have this feeling that when I do get pregnant I will know instictivly that I am. So I know in my gut that I am not pregnant, however glow informs me I need to take. Pregnancy test on the 10th, and it's kind of feeling like maybe I could extreamly lucky and then I'm trying to not let myself feel like that because any hope/excitement is just going 
to make me feel even worse when I do the test and inebilatly get a bfn, and way I guess why I posted this is to see if anyone else feels like this??