Infertility waiting for diagnosis

I would like advice about how long you have actually needed to be TTC before you are referred to test for infertility. I have begged and begged my gp to refer me for testing since I was 18 (now 24) as I suffered for 6 years with anorexia and lost my periods, my periods have returned but I have only this year come off of birth control but I have always had it in the back of my mind that I may be infertile. 
I have heard from others that on the nhs you need to have actively been ttc for 2 years before looking into the possibility of infertility. 
This is my first month actively ttc (bfn this morning) but I have had "accidents" off of birth control which were bfn. I would love a baby before I am 30 but feel my time is ticking away.