Is it possible to get a bfp as early as 6dpo?

Brandi-lea • Khaleesi-May Dizney Van Vliet - my precious daughter born on 23.6.15 👶🏼🌸
I am 7dpo today and decided to test yesterday night at just gone 12 so I guess I was just 7dpo.. I tested the morning of 6dpo just for fun and wasn't expecting anything but more to clear out my old tests as I have new ones arriving in the post this week.. It was of course absolutely negative! Then I tested again early hours of this morning and got a faint positive.. I'll attach a picture at the bottom.. I was so confused and I took the picture within a few minutes of taking the test.. I then woke up this morning and looked at the test and the line is still there, I then took another test with fmu with another brand but didn't expect anything again as this brand of test never ever showed any faint line and was always stark white when taken before but yet again there was a faint line.. It was fainter than the first but it was definitely there. I haven't got my hopes up and definitely haven't got line eyes because I know it's rare that it would happen this early. I also have been taking opk and tracking bbt and bbt confirms I am 7dpo today but I had a massive drop in temp that went brow coverline at 5dpo which rose massively again at 6dpo and is still elevated today. However, i did have extremely strong positive opk's at cd14 and cd15 but bbt says I ovulated cd16 so I could possibly be 8 dpo or so without realising.. I'm unsure.. Here are the pictures .. The top one is from early hours if this morning and the bottom Is with fmu this morning with a different brand, any help I would be absolutely grateful for as I'm quite confused right now x