Broke up with a controlling boyfriend, NOW WHAT!

So we dated for 10 months, I fell for him for the first couple of months we were together. He did everything for me. Took me out to eat, bought me a nice birthday gift/ Christmas gift, met his whole family and he met mine. Just a few months ago I started to feel like our relationship was getting boring. He stopped doing the nice things for me, I didn't feel as attracted to him, he got really lazy, we both gained weight, he never wanted to go out, we would fight everyday about NOTHING! He would get upset with me if I wanted to hang with my friends, or if I didn't text him as soon as I saw his message or if I took too long to answer my phone. He always suspected I was talking to other guys or cheating on him, when I clearly wasn't because first of all I was always with him and second I would never! So I really couldn't take this fighting anymore. We faught like crazy for maybe 4 months and I couldn't take it anymore, my family noticed I was unhappy and so did my friends. I had to break up with him. Now that I did .. He won't leave me alone about getting a second chance. I don't wanna be with him AT ALL! What do I do now? Do I move on? Focus on myself? Find someone else? I'm just confused! Btw I'm a college student and so is he..