I need/don't need feminism because...?

Aly • I live to dance
Okay so I've seen this trend on twitter and I just want to hear others opinions lol. It's called "I need feminism because" or "I don't be need feminism because" I personally think most feminist have taken thing a to far and that we should be treated equality which we are and not get special treatment which seems like most of the women are arguing on twitter. Here is an example of what I mean. "I don't need feminism because I am scual assault survivor and I don't blame one man for my pain not the whole male population" another one is "I don't need feminism because if a man killed his child he'd go to prison but if a women does it's called pro choice" or "I need feminism because I should be able to
​Go outside without being whistled at by construction men" those are just a few do you guys have anymore?