Laura's journey to glow

Hi I'm Laura I'm 26 (27 in 2 weeks) and my husband is 27. We have a just started ttc this is our first proper month trying as I came off bc the beginning of the year and my cycles have been super irregular. We have a little boy who is almost 5 and ttc #2. My little boy (Lincon) was an accident so I have never been through this before and love all the advice and help I get on here when I get a bit stuck. I've learnt so much I didn't know already. 
​I am worried that it's not going to happen for us this time as my husband has epilepsy and his medication can effect his fertility I know we have a son but it's been a long time since then and a lot of tablets taken since then and then of course there is also my irregular cycle. 
​So as I have been pregnant before and gone through that I'm happy to help any one with any questions about that and so great full for all the support and advice I get about my journey of ttc. 
​Thank u everyone and baby dust to u all xxxxxx