TTC after Miscarriage

Jessica • 29 years old; daughter born December 2015
My husband and I found out we were pregnant on July 3, 2014. At 8 weeks we went for an ultrasound and found out the baby didn't have a heartbeat. On August 6th I went in for a d&c. I had barely any bleeding after the fact and now just waiting to conceive again.
​It has been extremely hard on me, more so lately then the past few weeks. It's constantly on my mind and I just want to be pregnant again. In the last 4 weeks I have found out that 3 people close to me are now pregnant and it's killing me :(
​I'm happy to have found this board to post on, it seems a lot of people don't understand. I hope we all have some luck soon! Thanks for letting me vent a little