What does your SO do for a living??

So I have been thinking about this a lot and even though I'm not dating anyone at the moment, I am kind of a job snob when it comes to dating.  I met this guy he seems awesome with have a lot in common but his job is a furniture mover... Which it's cool that he has a job but I figure he likely doesn't make more than like 35k-40k a year. Say I married him, I am going into a field that pays lowest about 35-40k and highest about 60-70k (that's after years in the field and fairly rare) that's not a good gross income, especially after you add kids and stuff (he really wants kids and lots of them). How do people survive financially?! I have never really had to pay for stuff I lived at home my parents helped me. I like nice expensive things, I want a nice house in the suburbs, and a really huge diamond wedding ring one day (I mean 2-3 carets isn't that huge) and a huge fancy wedding one day. And I want to be a SAHM one day and I can't do that with only 35-40k coming in.  I know I'm totally thinking far in advanced for someone I literally just started talking to but I just feel like omg what if I date him or got pregnant we would have to struggle so much. And you can't just tell someone to get a new job.  That's rude. I just don't know how people have money for bills, and nice things, and kids, and just free money to do whatever with? It's just crazy.