OPKS & temp - pics

So I'm only CD13. I normally have a 45 day cycle. Last cycle though it was after a miscarriage so it was a little off. I miscarried aug 2nd, bleeding stopped by the 8th and then I started my next period sept 6th. Before all this I was on BCP, when I got pregnant in April it was on CD30/31 I ovulated. I believe I'm getting a positive OPK but how is that possible this early? That would mean I'd be getting my period oct 2, when I should be ovulatin based off my previous month getting pregnant in April. Now these are my temps, I started but kept forgetting cuz I haven't been on the band wagon again for a bit, and these are the two OPKS I took today thinking there was something wrong with the first one cuz I took it almost at 1pm and didn't look till 440ish. I took another one right then and watched it get darker than the first one today. What do you all think? Is it possible it's positive? These are all from cd10-cd13 last two are both from today. I'm only using the dollar store one cuz I used the digital one and found it was a waste simply cuz I could buy the dollar store ones and get the same result so I used it as a back up to confirm ovulation and it did confirm it last time. I'm kinda excited and now have to figure out how to have DH have sex with me without lettin him know and freaking him out lol! (Long story)