Cycle day 44

I am breastfeeding a 13 month old and have had 2 periods since her birth (July and August).  My August period arrived on cycle day 42.  I have not been taking BC, because I keep forgetting.  I have had unprotected sex several times this month, and once during my calculated ovulation window.  I do not know how accurate that window is considering I just started having periods again and they're being weird.
​I do not feel as though I am pregnant and I honestly think the chances are very slim considering the weird cycles.  But I am getting a little worried since I don't even feel a period coming on.  No PMS symptoms, no cramps, no aches or pains, no nothing.
​For those of you who have had kids, how long did it take for your body to regulate your cycles once your period started again?  Should I expect crazy cycles until I have completely weaned?
​Thanks in advance