AF due October 10th

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
Been over a week since ovulation. And my back is killing me. My whole back, getting cramps, eating like crazy. Nightmares, crying at happy tv shows, food is starting to taste funky. Even my stomach felt like it was on fire after I ate toast. I made chocolate pudding, and it actually taste horrible. I love chocolate pudding lol. The last time I could stand sweets, I was pregnant with my daughter. Also I am now smelling a dirty cat box. I DONT HAVE A CAT lol. Also I could smell someone cooking sloppy joes for dinner down the street..... I feel like a blood hound lol. I have taken test, all indent lines almost immediatly. They are white lines, not pink. Sound hopeful? Anyone else due around the same time!?!?