Feeling very scared

Annette • Just got my bfp with our rainbow baby 🌈
So my first son was born by planned c section. My bump was measuring big so they scanned me at 35 weeks and his head was on the 98th centile (massive) and that because my cervix is small and very tilted there was a risk of his neck snapping in a normal delivery. I felt very sad I didn't give birth naturally so when I fell pregmant 13 months later I decided to have a vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean) I was scanned and all looked good. I went into labour the day before my due date and at 4cm dilated my old scar and uterine completely ruptured, i haemorrged and I was knocked out for a blood transfusion and a emergency c section. After all that I decided that was it for me. But after things changing and seeing a obstetrician I decided to try again and I'm now 20 weeks pregnant with my 3rd boy. They've recently found protein in my urine and suffer severe headaches so there keeping a close eye on me incase of pre eclampsia. I also have a low lying front placenta at the moment. I'm booked in for a planned c section obviously due to my past but I'm just so scared to return to theatre after nearly losing my life and my baby last time. Also knowing they may have to cut through my placenta which will cause a lot of bleeding and the risk of pre eclampsia. I'm petrified and feel myself getting more anxious each day, I feel like I don't have much luck. Sorry for long post but needed to get it off my chest and wondered if anyone else had been through anything similar?