Stressed out

Hey girls! 
​My ex and i broke up about two months ago, and since then I have had trouble with my health in general. But i decided to take things in hands, subscribed to the gym, taking vitamins, green coffee pills, garcinia cambogia pills and proteins shakes, trying to eat healthier and lose weight. I also have subscribed to a dating site, and met someone. He is 29- 10 years older than I and have two daughters, but we get along perfectly. He is smart, sweet, optimist, seems like a happy man in general, which attracted me, along with the family side. Going over to his place this weekend: first meeting. I am super stressed out, for one thing mostly: The guy is skinny, I am big. We didnt directly talk about it, I mentioned it in my profile but I dont know if he read it. 
​Also, the way he talks just maje me fall for him. Mature, smart, optimist, happy, he has all those qualities i need in my life. I know we will see how things turn out when we meet, but ugh! Cant help but be nervous, and its impacting my body. 
​Any experiences youd like to share, or advices on how to lower the stress?