New here! Need advice

My LMP was Sept 22 and I have not had a period yet. I was on Nuvaring but we forgot to put it back in and we didn't use any other protection because we've been together 6 years and engaged 9 months. I haven't gotten a BFP yet and I'm a little confused about it all. On CD 23 I had some pink discharge and I thought it was IB but I'm wondering now if it was me ovulating because Tuesday night I had some brown discharge and a little blood when I whipped. Then Wednesday while getting ready for work I had some dark brown spotting all day for like 24 hours. I still have all the symptoms like peeing a lot, nausea, headaches, sore boobs, bloating, and achiness in my lower abdomen. I've been pregnant before so I kinda know the feeling. Any opinions? Do you think it was my period even though it was 10/11 days late? Anyone been in a similar situation with the spotting or the late BFP?