Uncomfortable around boyfriends mom always feeling ashamed

Rosalie • I`m very excited me and my fiancée are blessed God is good baby dust to all
Me and my love have been ttc. I told his mother awhile back but I don't know our family are different just got out of cps two years ago.. found him and love him. Living with him and his fam. His mom is a lil controlling. ..she makes all her kids stay with her even if their in their twenties.... especially if they have kids...her grandkids. Apart of me wants a child but apart of me is scared to because then shed want me and her son to stay if I did get pregnant. Its a lot of pressure because I feel if I get pregnant ill be the cause of him and his mom to fight if we were to concieve because what if we wanted to leave...we would feel bad because she wouldn't want us two I'm almost twenty he is almost 21. He has very mild autism and sometime his mom makes him feel like he can do nothing for himself let alone me and a baby. But its cuz she won't teach him won't help him I try but how can I when she doesn't want me to get a job I kind of feel manipulated but she has done more for me then my own mother has. I don't know what to do...I don't know how to feel...