Just cant get that bfp..been alittle over a year ttc and nothing. :(

Charish • Hoping for our RAINBOW baby.
I'm only 20 yrs old and have been trying for over a year the hubby is 21 we had a mc in may and have been trying ever since and nothing its always nothing my obgyn doesn't help with anything just keeps telling me I'm to young to worry about yet and to give it another year, I don't even feel like I had a complete mc back in may even though I was only five weeks along both the er and my obgyn only did blood work and ever since my cycles have been way wacky but not off by more the a few days here or there but no before every AF I have two days of light brown spotting that stops and starts back up. I just keep gaining weight and its all just starting to get to me someone my age shouldn't be having issues everyone around me already has kids if not two already. And I can't even get pregnant. I've been so overly emotional the last few days and I just don't know what to do? Any advice ladies? I could really use something. :(