Getting kicked out because I got pregnant.

Déja • ❤❤❤✴
On October 26, I found out I was pregnant. My first OB appt was yesterday, and we got to see/hear the baby's heartbeat!! It was amazing :) However, my father is not too thrilled that I am pregnant, nor is he a fan of the baby's father (boyfriend off/on for 3 years). He told me yesterday that I have until the baby is born to FIND A PLACE to stay. OR. I could elect to not have the baby (which is out of the question). I am so scared, so nervous. My mother is feeling indifferent, it's my dad's house so she really doesn't have a say, I guess. I just don't know what to do. I'm 20 years old. I am due 6/28. Can someone tell me the resources I need to look up for the baby and I also just need some Glow ? & support please. I live in Florida.