Our first loss (maybe tmi)

Gabrielle • Married SAHM of a 3 year old DD. Rainbow is due in November 💖
I started to spot this Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday it got more red and heavier than Saturday and Sunday. I went To the doctor Wednesday got blood work and US done. The ultrasound didn't show a gestational sac and no baby my doctor telling me my results and my hcg was at 205 very low she sent me home with little hope things would be ok. Got a blood HCG test taken again today, it dropped drastically to 45.65. I have very little bleeding not even filling a pad yet, by my morals I want to go through this naturally but I do not know what to expect. My doctor also couldn't explain why there wasn't a gestational sac my only guess is that it egg fertilized and the baby attached only for a short period of time then passed away. So many questions run through my head. I do not know how long a natural early MC is supposed to be like but emotionally it's just as valid as a loss like any other trimester. I was starting my 7th week of my pregnancy, no matter how big or small it was still my baby. Looking for support here in this forum me and my husband are so crushed by this.