Ovulation Question.

Hi ladies! Hoping you can help me with this. I had my 1st pos opk on Thursday. It was pos again Friday morning and neg Friday night and this morning. But barley negative. A shade away from being positive. Usually once I get my day or two of pos, they go to barley there lines. And when I went to the bathroom this morning, I had more ewcm than I have all cycle. What gives? A super long surge and I haven't oed yet? Clomid is just making my body go backwards and have ewcm after o? This is my first cycle on clmoid so it's all very new to me. Any info will help. Did I o after the pos opk or haven't I yet because of the ewcm. I don't temp due to insomnia and only sleeping 2-3 hours at a time at night so I can't chart. Thanks ladies!!