My at home artificial insemination story and Q&A

Deidra • My wife and I are ttc our second baby through artificial insemination at home using a known donor

My wife and I have been together for 2 years altogether. We are a lesbian couple. We have an almost 2 year old daughter that I gave birth to from a previous relationship that my wife now claims as her own. When we decide we were ready for another baby, we had absolutely no idea where to start! I researched as much as possible but still has SO MANY questions! I made an apointment with my family doctor to be put on prenatals and suck up any information she could give me. But I was still left with many questions. What are the chances of getting pregnant through artificial insemination compared to just having natural sex, how do I find a donor, where do we find a doctor and what are all these medicines everyone on the support groups are talking about, we're just a few of the 1000 questions I had. Once doing research, we decided it would be much MUCH cheaper to find a sperm donor and inseminate at home. $900 for a tiny bottle of sperm?? I think not! So the search was on. Who do we ask? how do we ask? We knew right off yhe bat that i would be the one to carry the baby. My wife is mexican so we wanted to find a donor who was Hispanic so the child would look as much like both of us as possible. We were ok with it being someone we knew but we didn't want ANYONE to find out who he was. We want this child to be 100% ours and ours only. We didn't want the complication of, for example, the donors parents finding out and them insisting on being in their grandchilds life.

My wife works in a huge wear house with A LOT of men, in fact she is the only woman that works there. So she just started asking them, if any of them would be willing. No luck. Many of them said they would but once they talked to their wife/girlfriend, they said they couldnt. After a few months of being turned down, my wife called me from work. She says "Get the legal papers ready" what? Are you serious? I started crying, I was was so excited I forgot to even ask who it was that agreed to do it. So I emailed her the donor/recipient form I had chosen and she printed them out so we could go over them. After a few changes were made we set up a time to meet with the donor to sign the papers and get them notarized. It was quick and simple. Now the waiting game began. I had just gotten off of my period so we had a while to wait. I bought 15 ovulation predictors from the dollar tree and took one every day until I got a positive. That is when things got real! We had bought some little containers and sterilized them, we also went to walmart and got a few 5 ml medicine syringes from the pharmacy (they come wrapped and pre sanitized). My wife stopped at the donors house and picked up the sperm on her way home from work and brought it home. I had read that you should wait 20 minutes for the sample to liquefy and that's about how long it took her to get home from the donors house, so we were golden. I had already had the bed set up: A towel on the night stand with everything we needed, napkins, the syringe, a soft cup and a pad for afterwards. I had 2 big fluffy pillows on the bed covered with a towel to have under my butt to help "direct" the sperm where to go haha. I did everything that I had learned after months of research. You open the syringe, pull the plunger out to completely fill it with air and then push all of the air back out, you should hear hear a 'click'. Then you put the tip into the sample and very slowly suck it in the syringe. Once you have as much as possible in, turn the syringe up right and let the bubbles pop and very slowly let out the air. Once there is nothing but sperm in the syringe, you insert it into your vagina as far as it will go, if you hit your cervix, back up a little and then as slowly as possible inject it. You can have your partner do this like I did. Then we could say that we made a baby together! After it is all injected leave the syringe in for a while as a 'plug' to keep everything up inject as long as possible. This is a good to have an orgasm, it makes your cervix dip down and some studies suggest that it increases your chance to get pregnant. I usually lay with my hips elevated as long as possible. Some times for 15 minutes, sometimes for an hour or so. Then remove the syringe and discard it. Do not try to use it again. Some women have had success inserting a soft cup afterwards. I tried that the first month but I didn't like it. I was afraid that instead of keeping the sperm around my cervix, it would push it away and seal off my cervix. So I have chose not to use them. We do this 3 days a month. Starting the first day I get a positive ovulation test and then the next 2 days. We haven't had any luck yet but I'm on my 2 week wait again. My period is due on the 19th so we will see!

I know that there was nothing I did wrong, but when all I kept getting was bfp and then a visit from AF, I felt like such a failure. And to make matters worse, the sperm donors girlfriend found out she was pregnant the day I started my period. And they had only been trying for a month! So hopefully this is our month!

Please feel free to ask questions about anything! I'm more than willing to help and answer any questions anyone may have! I want to be here to answer the questions I couldn't find anyone to answer for me!