Hyperemesis gravidarum ..

Momofboys • mom of 3 on earth and twins in heaven.. due 4/28/17 after 13 months of infertility..
My dr recently diagnosed me with hyperemesis gravidarum and excused me from work. I have been feeling just awful pretty much since 3-4 weeks. I am nauseous all day. Intensity varies from extreme can't get off my couch to bearable, but it lingers. It wakes me up at night - 2,3 am and it's hard to get back to sleep. I am 15 weeks. I have tried lots of things - zofran, reglan, the nausea wrist bands, different teas, nothing works. I have lost 13.2 pounds since sept 2. I was a bit chubby as I had my son nov 10, 2013, got pregnant again may of 2014 and miscarried twins August 2, 2014, and got pregnant again right away sept 2 2014. So I did still have some belly fat muffin top I could stand to lose but every time I get in the scale it's a pound or 2 loss. I take my vitamins as prescribed. Anybody else out there diagnosed with h.g. And have any advice?! This pregnancy is 20x worse than my first 2 :( I just want some relief, even if it's just at night to sleep!!