3 days pregnant, then I miscarried

3 days pregnant, then I miscarried. Glow should add a button for that. But thanks fo asking me to share my story after I came back to the app and updated my period log! Swell job!
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Posted at
Sorry for your loss, I hope you get through the grieving and baby dust for when you're ready to try again, hugs.


Posted at
I'm sorry for you lost, I never been in that situation so I don't know how it feels.


Posted at
So sorry for your loss? thanks for being strong enough to share. Good luck and extra baby dust to you ✨ ✨ ✨


Posted at
Aw I'm so sorry for your loss!! I miscarried over the summer at 8 weeks and it was rough emotionaly. Think positive though, it will happen :) I got pregnant again 1 month later and now at 17 weeks. Don't hesitate to take some time to yourself to grieve though, I cried for at least a whole week afterwards :/