TTC paranoid

Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way. My husband and I have been TTC for about a year and a half now. Every time I get a little symptom I automatically thing I could be pregnant, a bloated tummy, a headache, being hungry or being tired, anything... I don't ever drink alcohol or coffee or sodas, Im always scared to do something that might harm the baby just in the case that I might become pregnant. And every month I get a heartbreak when AF comes around and think that I take care of my self too much and for nothing. If you feel like this, how do you deal ??? 
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Yeah we too ttc since almost 2 years with no success. Have been on clomid and IUI 3 times, however there is no known reason why i am nt able to conceive. Hoping for a miracle now.


Fab • Nov 17, 2014
Thank you so much for such kind words.


Keren • Nov 17, 2014
I will be praying for you and your family


Posted at
You are not alone :( happens to me every month !