Pain in my belly

So I have been a mess today. Last night I had a night terror (haven't had one since I was really little), and wasn't able to go back to sleep (it was around 3 am). Finally around 9am I felt like I could go back to sleep but the neighbors dog started barking non stop. I have had a horrible headache since 3am but nothing seems to be helping (water, Gatorade, food, rest, a hot shower). Then because I was so tired and grumpy my husband and I got into a fight, so of course I started crying (even though it wasn't even a big deal) and now I'm having pains in my belly but I don't know if it's my stomach stretching or something bad (I'm almost 10 weeks)....... I try not to get to worked up about this stuff but with the day I have had, I can't help it. Should I be worried? It's not a constant pain, it's just little twinges every now and then and it's not severe just kind of annoying.... Am I just over analyzing this?