VBAC, yay or nay?

So here's the situation. With my first child (3 years ago) I had to be induced since I wasn't going into labor on my own. Was in the hospital for about 3 days and baby still wasn't coming so the doctors had to do a c-section. I feel like I was not told everything about why I had to have a c section because the doctors very casually mentioned it had something to do with how my back curved in wards or something. I was very out of it. Anyways, the doctor then told me that I could only deliver 2 or 3 more babies at most and that it had to be by c section. I was very sad and felt guilty that I couldn't deliver vaginally. I feel like the doctors were not being completely honest with me as to why I could never do VBAC. So I was wondering if anyone had ever been in a similar situation and ended up having a successful VBAC after being told they shouldn't try.