Do you think your better?

Annelise • Mom of 5
Sometimes I feel like some women think that they are just above everyone else. I've seen it on here a lot but have also heard it in person, how they think they are better than other women an deserve children over other people. Recently this comment was directed towards me. My cousin had told my aunt how she is so annoyed that other people can get pregnant but she can't. She then went on by saying how it's not fair that her 21 old cousin(me) is having the first baby in the family when I don't deserve it... So what makes women believe that they are "better" than other woman an feel that only they should have children? In my case Ive graduated high school, always worked, married, have my own home etc. yes there are times we struggle but is that really a reason to say I don't deserve my baby? Just curious how others think about this. Are you a woman who think you deserve a child over some one else? Or are you a woman others say you don't deserve to have a child?