How do I tell them?

I'm 23, graduated college with an associates (I want to go back to further my degree), and I have a full time job. Last night I found out I am pregnant with my boyfriend's (of 2 years) baby. 
We told his parents last night and they were so supportive. They wished this happened later though, when we had better paying jobs and were more stable. 
We have yet to tell my parents because they are out of state until Sunday. Telling them is what has got me so upset and worried. I am scared they won't talk to me ever again or show affection towards me ever again. I'm also worried that they won't support me through this and beyond. If I don't have my parent's support, I want to put my child up for adoption because my parents are a big part of me and if they aren't behind me, I don't think I can make it through this. I'm shocked and I don't know what to think or say. I wish this happened later when I had my life more put together but what's done is done and I am trying to keep pushing on. 
How do I tell my parents? I'm so scared I'll lose them.