
Me and my boyfriend had sex. Condom broke the first time, the other three times after that , he used the pull out method but never peed in between. I took a test and it came out negative but I'm more than sure I took it wrong. I then took plan b to be safe, but I think I was a day late with plan b. I found barely found out you can take plan b and have your period and still be pregnant. People have noticed my breasts gotten bigger. I also have been eating more (something I don't usually do. ) and I also feel nauseous at times. My nose is sensitive to certain smells and I've been very fatigue and having headaches with packpains. I want to take a test, but I'm honestly scared for certain reasons which I rather not discuss due to the judgment on here from several people. All I'm asking is, is there a chance that I still could be pregnant? Thank you for your comments and help.