Relationships in college

I have been with my boyfriend for s year now and I'm seriously falling in love with him and and him with me we are 17 and 18 years old I'm in college and he is a senior in high school, when I sent to college I went to one of the best 4 years colleges I could get into that was still close to home to try and save our relationship.  I wasn't ready to end it cause I was really starting to like him. So now that he is starting to get into his colleges of choice , which don't include the school I attend what should I do? Should I transfur to where he plans on going or sould I try and handle the long distance thing still. But we did dissuade me going to where he wanted to go because I don't like school I'm at but he is so excited with getting his lettes of acceptance  that I don't want to ruin it by saying I hope I get in to so we can be together... Any words of advice I'm really stuck and I Don't know who to talk to about this.. Or how to bring it up again with my boyfriend