When to tell close family..

Amanda • Mommy 🎀
My husband and I got pregnant back in October for the 1st time, we immediately told my mom & grandfather because I am extremely close with them...3 days later I had a miscarriage and dreaded having to tell them and my husbands parents who didn't even know we were pregnant. We are currently 4 weeks and will be 5 weeks 5 days on Christmas, we want to announce it but I am hesitant, advice please?
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We told parents and sisters at 5 weeks the first time and miscarried at 6 weeks. This time we told our moms and told them to keep it a secret at 6 weeks, more or less for support. Btw, our fathers aren't in the picture. We plan on telling the sisters at 13 weeks on Christmas and the rest of family after our next ultrasound at 14 weeks.  


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I think it's different for everyone. I've told those who I went to for support after our miscarriage. But we have definitely told fewer people this second time around, telling a few more at Christmas after our ultrasound, and holding off on the rest until close to the second trimester. I would only tell those who will be best at supporting you if the worst happens again, until you're far enough along to feel comfortable. 


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I told immediate family so they could pray over me and the baby. I didn't think id do that after a mc but I watched my husbands aunt not tell people and the family was upset because they could have ALL been praying. Everyone was good about not telling anyone else, except my mom got drunk and told my old hs principal lol but I was 10 weeks already


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I announced at 6 weeks. I figured after an ultrasound and seeing the heart beat, I was good to go. Four days after that the baby's heart stopped and at 7 weeks I learned that the baby never grew past 6w2days. I plan on waiting until after 12 weeks to announce it to anyone other than my Mom. That's just me being nervous though. If you feel all is well- go for it. 


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Im waiting til 12 weeks and 2nd ultrasound. 


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Thanks for the advice it really helps!