Scared to get excited

Amber • 28 yrs old-married for 8 years. Lovebug born 11/3/09 BFP after miscarriage and before AF. Due end of August
I miscarried on 11/9 and was done bleeding by 11/13. I never had a period and tested out of curiosity and am now pregnant again. I'm terrified though. I have one other pregnancy and a five year old son other than this one that ended in miscarriage. I took my first test on 12/11 and a few more since then. I would only be about 4 weeks though. No symptoms other than being sleepy. My breast aren't sore and I'm not nauseous. Thoughts? Is it ok to not have any symptoms? Are the odds in my favor? I'm so scared 
Here is 12/11
When do you think I will be able to get the 3+? I have one digi left. My appt is 12/23