Diagnosed with PCOS no symptoms :(

Hey ladies, I've recently been diagnosed via ultrasound... Weirdly my weight has always been normal to light and my cycles are regular, even showing LH surges on ovulation tests and temperature rises after "ovulation" I'm so confused. Could I still not be ovulating? Any advice of similar situations appreciated....
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I was dx with pcos last month. High testosterone and fsh and lh levels were off she said. She started me on metformin. I take 1000mg a day. She told me it will stimulate ovulation. I usually get my period every 55 days which is 2 cycle lengths which is why I only get my pd every other month bc I only ovulate every other month. My last pd was oct 6th. I'm now on cd 75. I'm never this late. Been getting bfn's but my hubby and I have had sex a couple times and bc my cycle is so wack there is no way to tell when I ovulate. Still no af though yet and I had a slight bfp yesterday...very light! Will cont to test and hope for the best. I have a 2yr old girl who was born sept 2012 and I found out I was preg on dec 30th! It took a long time to get a positive with that pregnacy too!! We shall see ? good luck ladies lots of baby dust! My ob/gym said a lot of women have pcos with or without symptoms and she states lots of women get pregnant on their own after a while or with the metformin! ?


Anna • Dec 22, 2014
U too! Thanks


Bethany • Dec 21, 2014
Good luck with it all


Posted at
Idk the whole pcos is confusing. I was told I have it but the only symptoms is that I'm a lil fat and don't have kids but I didn't get an u/s. I'm charting and using opks now. I've used opks in the past and never got positives on then until I tried them again. But now I have to wait 6 more months to try to conceive and if I don't scientifically get pregnant they will do something, even though I've already been ttc for 7 years. It's very annoying!


↞ηιcσℓε♡↠ • Dec 22, 2014
Can someone tell me the name to this topic? I can't find it nowhere lol


↞ηιcσℓε♡↠ • Dec 22, 2014
I've been waiting 7 years lol I'm trying preseed next month!!


Bethany • Dec 22, 2014
Thanks Bridgette I haven't heard of it... At this point I'll give anything a go


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Forgot to say we have been TTC for a year no luck so far...