Dreams From God??

MorePrecioisThanRuby • " The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart"

Ladies I need your help in understanding two dreams...

Earlier this year I had a dream that I was pregnant, in the dream I could feel the baby growing in me and once this baby boy was born I could feel the warmth of him my arms, his weight and an overwhelming feeling of a love that I'd never felt before. He looked exactly like my boyfriend. Now I always thought that dream was perhaps from God and I looked forward to meeting this baby once we got married but three weeks ago my boyfriend tells me he wants to break up ? Understandably I'm very upset that he left but also upset that we won't ever get to meet our son I dreamt of as everything in me felt that he WAS going to be born someday.

Now a couple of days ago after asking God to explain what that dream meant I dreamt once again that I was pregnant but my boyfriend and I were broken up (like we are now) In this dream I had an ultrasound app and wanted him to be there but I was afraid of him rejecting me so i sent him a note instead. But he was late so I txt him and he arrived looking panicked. I felt angry at him in my dream for doing this. Then I heard a voice say to me " He did not know about your appointment, Satan hid your note from him deliberately. Don't be mad at him, be mad at Satan" I woke up.

So ladies I'm confused....what do you think?? Is this some kind of message which I'm missing the point of??

Thanks ?