Staying positive in 1st Trimester

Mrs K
So I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and we're telling our families on Christmas. I had an appt exactly a week ago and they said baby is measuring normal and everything is looking good and that at this point I'm at just about a 3% miscarriage rate. I am so excited to be pregnant and I know everything has gone well so far but I still can't help but worry about miscarriage (as most women probably do). I've been really blessed to not have too many bad symptoms but it's made me just have to have faith that I'm still pregnant since I don't always feel it. What things have helped you stay positive during the first trimester when miscarriage is more common? I just read on here about so many miscarriages and I'm looking for some positivity so I can stay excited and positive about this pregnancy. I wish you all a great holiday season and Merry Christmas this week! Baby dust to all ?✨?