I need help please..disturbing but..

I feel like there is something wrong with me I have such a hard time orgasming when I have sex what if I  have a sexual disfunction because half the time I can't orgasm...only one position works with my husband and I..I'm terrified to tell him that I don't usually orgasm but I might wreck him if I tell him..he's great in bed it just takes so much for me..so lost :/
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Posted at
I never had orgasm during sex. Only oral or by hand. So you actually are lucky


Alyssa • Dec 30, 2014
same ;( lol


Posted at
I rarely have an orgasm during sex. And if I do it's from clitorus stimulation. Find what gives you an orgasm with you masturbate and use hat method in bed with your husband. 


Posted at
It took me 14 years to finally have my first REAL orgasm...no lie and I was with my daughters dad for 7 years...but now the S/O I'm with I orgasm 5-10 times within 10 min...at first I was only able to when on top but I got over my insecurity bout it and now I can with a few positions...just talk to him and he will hopefully understand. And a lot of it has to do with u thinking about it during sex. My doctor told me that bout myself lol


Stephanie • Dec 30, 2014
to be able to really have a good O you will need to know your body. If you dont know right where your spot is and how to hit it, hiw will he? it may be will to explore but its the only way to find out what you like. Good luck


Sam • Dec 30, 2014
I also find it weird for myself to masturbate...I know that's weird and different but I don't like the feeling


Posted at
Not all women orgasms, it is hardworking to actually do it. My partner can do it by his hand, and sometimes during sex, the most annoying thing though is on that urge of orgasming and then it stops, gets me frustrated lol x 


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I've never had an orgasm through sex. 


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A TON of women don't even orgasm at all during sex. Be happy you even can. Your perfectly normal.


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New positions is never bad he should be willing to at least try st the end of the day he will still ejaculate


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Even if you have a sexual disease the cure is extra stimulation sight sound touch .