My Journey: I'm not alone!!

MomLifeToTheMax • ♡ 2 beautiful babies!

I've been with my fiance for over 4 years now we officially started ttc maybe a year and a half ago even though we never really ''took care of ourselves'' before the decision. .. I would just get really depressed seeing everyone get pregnant so fast and us just not being able to. I would even pretend I didn't care and wasn't ready yet even though I was dying inside to get pregnant. I finally open up to him and he's so supportive and I think it's been more fun. Not only that but joining GLOW I've seen I'm not alone and I'm not the only one still ttc for a while now. Im so grateful for this app it's the best ever! To all you ladies sharing your hearts out thank you! Its really helped me think more positively on this journey towards a family.

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Posted at
I wish you luck! Hope you get your dream soon! I've been trying for almost two years! It will happen when it's time! 


Liss • Jan 6, 2015
I've been trying for over 13 months now! So, no you're not alone!!


MomLifeToTheMax • Dec 30, 2014
Thank you so much I sure hope so!


Posted at
I'm going on 6 years with my husband mainly health issues getting in the way. But I agree I wasn't sure about another app but I figured one more try. I am glad I did I feel supported and that I am not crazy in my feelings ! So good luck. Here to talk if needed!


Katy • Jan 7, 2015
Right I know my husband says it perfect


MomLifeToTheMax • Jan 7, 2015
I love your picture too by the way it's on point with what I feel lol


MomLifeToTheMax • Jan 7, 2015
Yes exactly I love this app keeps me positive, thank you so much I appreciate it! (: