What the hell just happened??

Krystal • TTC baby number 2. Aubrey Lynn October 2015 .hairstylist, wife, puppy mom
My finace and I are ttc our first baby. And this is only the third day trying.... during sex tonight.. he literally hoped out of bed like a bat out of hell and said he had to piss like crazy.. this never happened before. I told him. He prolly just had to cum.. he said he would have pissed right in me if he wouldn't have stopped.. Did this ever happen to ur SO before??

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No that's never happened to my husband... That's strange. Idk what it could be. Maybe a bladder infection?? 


Posted at
Is it an old wives tale that they can't pee while they have an erection? Because I thought that was a thing...


Mandi 😈💀 • Dec 31, 2014
I just had to ask my boyfriend and he said the same exact thing! Lol


Rebecca • Dec 31, 2014
My husband can, it's just more difficult.


Posted at
Add to this. He went pee right before we started having sex.. so idk what's going on!! And we were using pre seed


Krystal • Dec 31, 2014
That's what I was thinking


Aimee • Dec 31, 2014
Maybe it got inside his urethra and irritated him?