What would you do?

I have recently married and am having doubts about my husband. The thing is, is that we've been together for 8 years and I've always felt that he'd been hiding something from me, but I couldn't put my finger on it... Because of his 'unusual' habits (having sex solely from the back, rimming, saying giving a woman oral sex is disgusting and fingering the back door only, NEVER fingering the front), I asked him if he is gay. He became defensive and yelled at me, insisting he wasn't. My initial reaction was,"If he wasn't guilty, why react that way?" Another situation occurred when we returned from a vacation to Jamaica at 1AM, he dropped me home and INSISTED that he must see his buddy at THAT time, to show him the pics from our vacation! Come on now!!!  Fast forward a few years later, and his best guy friend (the same one he HAD to see at 1AM) moves to Miami. Hubby always says he wants to go see his friend, and hang out with him (bear in mind they've been friends since hs). This friend and my husband always have to let it be known who is gay (strangers), and tend to critique their mannerisms... 
My heart is telling me to leave because this isn't right, but something is saying to stay!
Please give your honest advice...